2010: Castleton, Vermont
October 13 - 16, 2010
The Pioneer America Society will hold its 42nd annual conference at Castleton State College in Castleton, Vermont, on October 13-16, 2010. This event will be hosted by the Department of History, Geography, Economics, and Politics at Castleton State College. Sleeping accommodations will be available at the Comfort Inn at Trolley Square in Rutland, Vermont.
Memory and Landscape on New England’s Northern Frontier
The 2010 Conference theme is: Memory and Landscape on New England’s Northern Frontier. The meeting begins on Wednesday with registration and an evening welcoming reception. On Thursday, participants may choose between a National Register of Historic Places Workshop conducted by James Gabbert, of the National Register of Historic Places, or a day-long field trip. The Thursday Marble Valley field trip heads west to Proctor (including the Vermont Marble Museum); to West Rutland (including its cemetery and the Vermont Carving Studio); to Hubbardton, a Revolutionary War battlefield; and to Castleton Village (including Higley House, the museum of the Castleton Historical Society). Paper presentations and the annual Awards Banquet are scheduled for Friday. And, Saturday is devoted to a second field trip. The Saturday Town & Village tour explores the region to the east of Castleton and includes stops at Shrewsbury (Pierce’s Store), at Cuttingsville (the Bowman Estate), at the Shrewsbury Historical Society (housed in a 19th century Methodist Church and its cemetery),and at Mount Holly for a barn tour.

The "Old Chapel” in Castleton.
The conference committee is currently soliciting proposals for papers, special sessions, and panel discussions relating to the conference theme. However, papers on all material culture topics of interest to the Society will be welcome. Abstracts are due by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, September 17, 2010.
Hotel Information
Hotel rooms are being held at the Comfort Inn @ Trolley Square, 19 Allen Street, Rutland, Vermont, 800-432-6788 (indicate that you are with the Pioneer America Society). The conference rate is $92 single or double (plus 10% tax). Deadline for group rate is September 13, 2010!
Other hotels near Trolley Square include:
Hampton Inn: PAS rate good until September 13, 2010; indicate that you are with the Pioneer America Society.
Ramada Inn: prices starting in the $70 range, plus tax
Red Roof Inn: prices starting in the $100 range, plus tax
Please note: Be sure to book your hotel room early. Because the conference is being held near the end of peak foliage season, hotels will fill up quickly.
For More Information
For more information, contact Scott C. Roper, 216 Leavenworth Hall, 6 Alumni Drive, Castleton State College, Castleton, Vermont 05735; phone: 802-468-1270; email: scott.roper@castleton.edu, or visit the links available right here on the PAS:APAL website, in the left-hand column of this page, above, as well as under "Annual Meeting” in the drop-down navigation menu above.