At the Annual Meetings of ISLPMC, a wealth of fascinating research, analysis, and information is presented. Here we provide lists and/or abstracts of papers presented at those meetings. The lists are generally provided in the form of our “Conference at a Glance” handouts that we have provided at most meetings. These are PDFs that will open in a new page or tab. For other years, we have the full abstracts. (Please note that abstracts of papers presented through 2011 may be found in former issues of PAST.)

2012, 44th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia: The Vernacular to the Spectacular


2013, 45th Annual Meeting in Ut1ca, New York

The Mohawk Valley – New England Extended: Landscapes of Cultural and Economic Change & Diversity


2014, 46th Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Brand New State: Oklahoma and the Great Plains in Transition


2015, 47th Annual Meeting in North Caton, Ohio

Ohio and the National Hearth: A Mosaic of Rural and Urban Landscapes


2016, 48th Annual Meeting in Bowling Green, Kentucky

Caves, Cars, and Cultural Connections


2018, 50th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans: A One-of-a-Kind Multicultural City and Its Surroundings


Conference Schedule

2019, 51st Annual Meeting in Detroit, Michigan

Pioneer to Post-Industrial Landscapes


Conference Schedule

2021, 52nd Annual Meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma

“Livin’ on Tulsa Time”


Conference Schedule

2022, 53rd Annual Meeting in Atlantic City, New Jersey

Boardwalk Empire: Landscapes of Leisure, Sin, and Redemption


Conference Schedule

2023, 54th Annual Meeting in Columbia, Missouri

Placemaking in the Heartland


Conference Schedule

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