50th Annual Conference

Conference Registration
Form coming soon

Pre-Registration deadline: September 1, 2025

Registration after September 11, 2025, and on-site registration are $150 for Society members and $200 for non-members; $115 for a spouse/significant other of a member; $85 for student members; and $110 for student nonmembers

Refunds of 75% will be issued if requested by September 10, 2025. After this date, refunds will be issued only if there is enough time to cancel meals.

Make inquiries to: Ray Oldakowski, roldako@ju.edu and Sara Beth Keough sbkeough@svsu.edu

About the tours: The Thursday, October 2 walking tour will take place in the afternoon and focus on Jacksonville’s urban development and ethnic neighborhoods. The group will travel via the People Mover from the hotel to downtown Jacksonville and explore locations that reflect the conference theme. The Saturday, October 4 bus tour will explore lesser-known historic sites in Northeast Florida. The group will travel by tour bus first to Fort Caroline National Memorial, the first French settlement in North America. Then, we will drive by the Mayport Naval Station and learn about the role of the US Navy in Jacksonville’s history. At Mayport, we will cross the St. John’s River by ferry and travel to Kingsley Planation, which was owned by a former slave (among others). Lunch is included and will be at Billy Jack’s BBQ on the St. John’s River (don’t worry…there are vegetarian options!). After lunch, we will drive back into urban Jacksonville to the Durkeeville historic neighborhood where we will visit the Durkeeville Historic Society and Museum, participate in a walking tour by one of the museum guides, and finish the J.P. Small Baseball Stadium and Museum, which was home to Jacksonville’s Negro League team, the Jacksonville Red Caps, from 1938-1942.

Note: In the form below, “Conference Only” registration includes the Thursday evening reception, the Friday paper sessions, the business luncheon, and break snacks.