Stained glass window from the chapel at the National Hansen's Disease Museum at Carville, Louisiana.
Scott C. Roper, Ph.D., Editor
Department of History, Geography, Economics, and Politics | Castleton State College | Leavenworth Hall | 6 Alumni Drive | Castleton, VT 05735 | | (802) 468-1270
Deborah Slater, Layout Artist | Bridge Communications |
PAST consists of papers and abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting of the Pioneer America Society: Association for the Preservation of Artifacts and Landscapes. Any paper that was presented at the previous year’s annual meeting is eligible for publication in this Journal. Manuscripts are not peer-reviewed, and the Editor will make grammatical corrections only. Authors should consult the most recent edition of PAST for examples of the preferred editorial style. Manuscripts should be submitted directly to the Editor via email as Word attachments or via conventional mail on disk or CD-ROM as Word documents. Photos and illustrations should be submitted electronically as .jpg files. “On the Road” is an annual collection of photographic essays devoted to topics relating to material culture in the Americas, and the editor will consider submissions from any member of the Pioneer America Society. Address inquiries, including copyright permission, reprints, inquiries about manuscript and “On the Road” submissions, and letters, to the Editor.
The Pioneer America Society, Inc., is a nonprofit organization in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio. Dues and contributions are tax deductible. Annual dues of the Society, which include a subscription to Material Culture, PAST, and the Society’s electronic newsletter, are $50 for individuals, $25 for students, $75 institutional, and $450 for life membership. Membership information and dues should be directed to the Treasurer. Information is also available online at the Society’s web site, Back issues of several volumes of PAST are available. Please contact Paula Reed, Treasurer, for more information:
Dr. Katie Algeo, Treasurer
Pioneer America Society: Association for the Preservation of Artifacts and Landscapes | P.O. Box 4644 | Hagerstown, MD 21742-4644 |
Copyright 2009 by the Pioneer America Society
All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
ISSN: 0884-3309