Conference at a Glance
Thursday, October 2
8:30-11:30 am:
• ISLPMC Board Meeting at San Marco Place
1-4 pm:
• Walking Tour of Downtown Jacksonville’s urban development challenges and successes
6-8 pm:
Opening Reception at San Marco Place
Friday, October 3
8 am-5 pm:
• Paper Sessions at Jacksonville University
– Shuttle service provided from Hampton Inn to JU (departs 7:30am)
– Lunch/Business Meeting, noon-1:30pm at River House on JU campus
– Shuttle service back to hotel (departs JU at 5:30pm)
– Free parking on JU campus for those that have their own car
7-9 pm:
• Awards Banquet at Downtown Jacksonville o Location TBD, but walkable for Hampton Inn or quick Uber ride
Saturday, October 4
8 am:
• Bus Tour Field Trip: Parks, Plantations, and Preservation. The trip will include stops at Fort Caroline National Memorial (first French settlement in North America), Kingsley Planation (owned by a former slave), and the Durkeeville neighborhood in Jacksonville (historic neighborhood and Negro-league era baseball stadium/museum).
9 am - noon:
• Historic Preservation Workshop at JU (shuttle service provided). The workshop will be geared toward K-12 educators who wish to incorporate elements of historic preservation in their lesson plans and classrooms.